This book and five to ten other references of your choice should be sufficient for most of the questions you answer. ApWhat is the PE Civil exam The PE Civil Exam is an 8-hour, 80-question exam including multiple-choice, multiple-correct, point-and-click, drag-and-drop, and fill-in-the-blank questions. So, it really is unnecessary to bring a large quantity of books with you. TestGuard App This application allows you to quickly configure your students calculators for exams. NCEES has approved the following list of calculators for use in the April and October 2010 exam administrations: Casio: All fx-115 models.
You will not need articles printed in an industry magazine you will not need doctoral theses or industry proceedings and you will not need to know about recent industry events. TI-36X Pro The list of acceptable calculators for the 2015 exams will be posted here by December 1, 2014. Calculators, Engineering, Exams, News, Surveying. The exam does not require you to know obscure solution methods or to use difficult-to-find data. You will not have time to use books with which you are not thoroughly familiar. That is the reason why many examinees show up with boxes and boxes of books. The trouble is, you cannot know in advance which ones you will need. Except for codes and standards, you should not need many books in the examination room. Heres a list of approved calculators for the PE exam by the NCEES organization: Casio: All FX-115 models are approved by the NCEES organization.

There are some other things that you will not need. If you did not need a book while doing the practice problems in this book, you will not need it during the exam. One general rule is that you should not bring books that you have not looked at during your review. Generally, people bring too many things to the exam. When you go to pack your exam kit a few days before the exam, you can transfer some items immediately, and the notes will be your reminders for the other items that are back in the kitchen drawer. But if these items will have other functions during the time before the exam, at least write yourself a note and put the note into the catchall.

It is not actually necessary to put these treasured items in the catchall during your preparation. Or, you might decide that a certain book is particularly valuable, that it would be nice to have dental floss after lunch, or that large rubber bands and clips are useful for holding books open. The Casio FX-115: FX-115 covers any FX-115 models including the MS, MS Plus, MS SR, ES and the ES Plus. For example, you might realize that the plastic ruler marked off in tenths of an inch that is normally kept in the kitchen junk drawer can help you with some soil pressure questions. Designate some location (a drawer, a corner, a cardboard box, or even a paper shopping bag left on the floor) as your “exam catchall.” Use your catchall during the months before the exam when you have revelations about things you should bring with you.