Meanwhile, the Folau camp released a statement today revealing "Israel’s website has been the target of what we believe was a sustained cyberattack and there has been a deliberate attempt to vilify his wife Maria for supporting her husband." Nothing short of a fine or sacking will satisfy the "inclusive" pack of virtue signalling Lefties.

The joint media statement from the Thunderbirds and Netball SA makes clear that they do not endorse Folau’s comments nor the reposting of the GoFundMe page but that’s apparently not enough for Ellis and the rest of the online mob. So, the supposedly tolerant progressives now want to punish women for beliefs expressed by their husbands? She had a child with an unidentified father in 2016 and was a single parent. 17,676 Contents hide 1 Rita Loved Ones Lifestyle, Panahi’s Bio 2 Rita’s Profession 3 Rita Panahi Married With Spouse Fleeing for Australia like a Kid, out of Iran, two words were Just known by Rita Panahi.

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As much as I love watching ⦠play netball I do not want my sport endorsing the views of her husband. Panahi has been tight-lipped about her life partner. Advertisement Lisa Wilkinson is 'out of touch with reality': The Project host's biggest 'mistakes' are laid bare by a rival TV presenter Lisa Wilkinson announced her departure from 10's The Project. Anyone who is seen to support or endorse homophobia is not welcome. There is no room for homophobia in our game.